Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Total inspiration!!!

I really wish you could see what I see.  The kids continue to amaze me every day.  I know I said this before but they really do.  We headed in another full day of activities.  You are starting to see the bond between the kids, most especially after Area 51.  They did an awesome job in team building activities.

Earhart group continues to work on Sim for flying the plane.  Cassie and Ethan are no strangers in being placed in new situations. They adapt so easily to what is going on and they continue to spread their positive attitude towards everyone.  They are always eager to try something new and to get involved.  Today they learned how to build a fire.  

Ethan collecting firewood

Building a fire

Cassie building a fire

It was a big day for Advanced Academy, they climbed a 32 feet pool and jumped off and went scuba diving 25 feet under water.  They really are inspirational.  Watching them supporting one another, cheering them on with every success and failures really just adds on to how proud I am of them. 

Jaime is getting ready to go up

No fear in this boy!!!

Group picture

Jaime got picked first to go up!

There she goes!

She made it to the top!!!

Standing up and getting ready to jump!

She did it!!! WOW!!!

LJ III's video, p.s. sorry about the hand!! I was trying to take a picture too!

Everyone does a part!

Great team support!!!! A camper got stuck on top and everyone came in to support him! So inspiring!!!

Getting ready for scuba diving

Instructions on how to use the equipment

Here's Jaime!

Video of Jaime scuba diving.
Awesome scuba people!!!  They let us have a turn!!!

LJ III on the 1/6th chair, now they know what it's like to walk on the moon

Jaime on the 1/6th chair
All the kids are having a lot of fun and they admitted to me that they are not ready to go home yet (sorry parents) and neither am I!!  Side note:  Thank you for your patience as you are waiting for the pictures and the blog to be posted.  I really appreciate it!!

I charged camera overnight so we are ready for another busy day! (My camera died right after I took a picture of Jaime on the 1/6th chair) Stay tuned…

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